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Hot hot hot! Aventurijn, a one-week online music cure for good luck, has been released. 

After following this cure, you will be lucky and misfortune will be averted. Are you desperately looking for a dream home or a new love? Are you short of cash or do you need another job? Is everything in general a bit disappointing? Aventurijn will help you. Ingredients: every day, for the duration of one week, you’ll receive an encouraging visual artwork, an essential ritual, and a brand new song of the day. Start on day 1 and follow the directions carefully for a week, up to and including day 7. Only then will the music cure really work.

Aventurijn is available on

Also, you can find the Aventurijn album on Bandcamp.

Quotes of test audiences:

‘The one-week music cure that changed my life’
‘I thought it was nonsense, just absolute rubbish. But after doing the Aventurijn music cure I finally got my dream job!’
‘I followed the music cure Aventurijn every day for a week and here’s what happened’ (to hear what happened subscribe to my newsletter).

Aventurijn is  a Leafsheep product.

concept, composition, synths, vocals, production, recordings evelien van den broek (leafsheep) | mixing sandor caron | mastering uwe teichert at studio elektropolis | visual art mees joachim van amesfoort | photo richard ayres | website kanjijvoormij |  socials & online communication: enprofil culture | supported by performing arts fund nl, #investeringsfondsmuziek, @bumastemra and @minocw.

Happiness claim pending approval by the European Commission.